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Founded in 2015, X1 Robotics is one of ASME’s many student-led project teams with the mission of developing real world engineering and problem solving skills through creating challenging robotic systems. Our team gives students the opportunity to challenge their engineering skills alongside developing their creativity, teamwork, and project management. At the beginning of each year a unique project is chosen from ideas pitched and voted by members, who are then assigned to subteams with student leads. X1 Robotics simulates a real-life robotics design cycle by designing, prototyping, manufacturing, assembling, and testing that project within an academic year.  Since X1 has no yearly competition, we judge success by the end results of our project and we provide an environment which maximizes real project experience and fosters interdisciplinary learning. 


X1 Robotics designs robots from the ground up, a process which requires knowledge of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science. Students that join a project are typically exposed to fields other than their own, ranging from mechanical design to electrical controls to computer vision and more. Though a part of ASME, we welcome all engineering majors! X1 is recommended for students with some level of project experience in their field of interest. 

To learn more about the project, contact our X1 leads at!

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Past Projects 

Since 2015, X1 Robotics has worked on a wide variety of projects. The first projects were advanced quadcopters, including a drone that could be controlled via an iOS app and a magnetic levitation quadcopter that utilized Halbach rotors to generate lift and propulsion. 2017’s project was a rover and quadcopter pair which worked cooperatively to navigate obstacles.

In 2018, X1 began work on the Guardian Project, a hexapedal robot inspired by the video game series Legend of Zelda. This robot could navigate an environment and use computer vision to direct a laser pointer towards a target object. Though prototyped in 2018, this project continued in 2019, with a streamlined and redesigned model made for higher mechanical efficiency. 2019 also introduced BruinBot, a campus interaction robot able to navigate UCLA’s campus, interact with students, and dispense gifts. 

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