Lab Information
Where are we located?
Our lab is located in the Boelter Hall Students Activities Center. To find us, go to the Boelter Hall Courtyard located on the second floor of Boelter Hall. Our room number is 2730C, and our door will have our logo on it. Boelter 2763 is up the ramp across from our lab, at the end of the hall inside Boelter.

Safety Training
In order to become licensed under the school for use of equipment necessary to fully participate in any of our technical projects, three safety training programs must be completed. Verification of completion of these programs should be emailed to our Lab Manager, Damian Magana, at labmanager.asmebruins@gmail.com.
1) Laboratory Safety Fundamentals Training
Log on to www.worksafe.ucla.edu with your UCLA user ID and password.
Click on the Course Catalog tab, and launch the "Laboratory Safety Fundamentals" module (LAB-LSFC-OL)
The lecture takes about 2 hours to complete.
For returning members who have already once completed the "Laboratory Safety Fundamentals" training, log on to www.worksafe.ucla.edu, click on Course Catalog, and select "Lab Safety Fundamentals Online Refresher" (LAB-LABOR). This is a quick online quiz to renew your safety training that should take about 20 minutes.
Email certificate of completion to Lab Manager.
2) Shop Safety Online Training
Log on to www.worksafe.ucla.edu with your UCLA user ID and password.
Click on the Course Catalog tab, and launch the "Shop Safety Online Training" module (IP-SHOP-OL).
Email certificate of completion to Lab Manager.
3) Machine Shop Fundamentals Training
In order to be licensed to use the machines offered in the Student/Faculty Machine Shop as well as in our lab, this training MUST be completed! Certain technical project parts will not be able to be manufactured with the equipment in our lab, but can be manufactured with the equipment in the machine shop. The training is held by Jose Sanchez, and should be completed as soon as possible. For more information, visit the machine shop website.
In addition to these mandatory requirements to use our lab equipment, in order to reduce risk of injury, we ask that you follow these 12 basic guidelines while using the tools in our lab:
Know how to properly operate equipment before use.
Wear safety goggles & tie back long hair when using machines. Do NOT wear long sleeves or gloves.
Give people using machines adequate space to work.
Put away tools neatly in proper location after use.
Do not move any machines without officer approval.
Notify officer immediately of any accidents or mishaps.
Do not leave food or drinks near any machine.
Only turn on machines when you are using it.
Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
Do not hesitate to ask supervising officer for help.
Be nice, and HAVE FUN!
Lab Equipment
Here is a list of the primary lab equipment offered to users at our labspace.

Model 3990 HiTorque Mini Mill

Model 4100 HiTorque Mini Lathe

Drill Press
SKIL 10'' Benchtop Drill Press

3D Printers
MakerBot Replicators
Computer Information
Our lab computer is for the sole use of all educational purposes; club work such as CAD, WaterJet, CAM, and MakerBot softwares; and for all projects related to the purpose of ASME at UCLA. Please refrain from using this computer for other purposes, and please respect the privacy of others on this computer.
Do not download any suspicious programs onto this computer.