Combat Robotics 2019-2020
Project Leads
Erin Hall
Jacob Greenwood
Safety Requirements
In order to become licensed under the school for use of equipment necessary to fabricate and work on BattleBots parts, two safety training programs require completion. Verification of completion of these programs must be shown to the project leads or any ASME officer in order to be successfully licensed to use machines and lab equipment.
1) Laboratory Safety Fundamentals Training
All new members are required to take the Laboratory Safety Fundamentals Concepts Training provided by the school. All members should submit confirmation that they have finished the "Laboratory Safety Fundamentals Concept Training" to one of the officers! The confirmation comes in the form of an email after you have completed the course. To sign up for a session,
Log on to with your UCLA user ID and password.
Click on the Schedule tab, and register for a time and location.
The lecture takes about 2 hours to complete.
For returning members, log on to, click on Class Catalogue, and select "Lab Safety Fundamentals Online Refresher." This is a quick online quiz to renew your safety training that should take about 20 minutes.
2) Machine Shop Fundamentals Training
In order to be licensed to use the machines offered in the Student/Faculty Machine Shop as well as in our lab, this training MUST be completed! Certain BattleBots parts will not be able to be manufactured with the equipment in our lab, but can be manufactured with the equipment in the machine shop. The training is held by Anatoly Matus, and should be completed as soon as possible. For more information, visit
New Member Battlebot Designs
New members to the BattleBots project work on fabricating and assembling 3-lb combat robots designed by the project leads. Working on each team's respective BattleBot design introduces them to the hands-on aspect of mechanical engineering, where they can apply concepts and skills taught in classes to real-life projects. Usage of the mill, lathe, and drill press, among other metalworking equipment, is frequent in the fabrication of BattleBot parts.
This year, three different 3-lb combat robot designs were introduced to new members for their projects. They are:
SolidWorks files of each respective BattleBot can be found by clicking its image above.
Flagship Battlebots Team
Returning members have the option of joining the flagship combat robotics team, where teams will have much more freedom in their designs, along with a greater allowed budget.
In previous years, flagship Battlebots teams have created lightweight combat robots (60 lbs.), for instance "Danger Cone" (see below). The robot, when first glimpsed at, looks like an innocent manufacturing beauty with two cylindrical aluminum barrels attached to a center body. When functioning properly, however, this robot's wheels spin in opposite directions and create rotational kinetic energy about the robot's center of mass. As the robot spins, its controls system pulses each motor in order to create a speed differential to allow for horizontal planar translation.